Teaching... good bad and the ugly
There are many things happening now, and interesting projects waiting for a decission from Filmfondet, Fond for Lyd og Bilde and NRK. Plus, there is lots of people wanting me to join projects and work for them. At the same time, Im teaching quite often (everyday now) for the University of Bergen.
Said first: I DO like teaching.
BUT, it is difficult to cope when you have elements in your group that are not really into learning... no matter what you do. If, on top of that, I think of all the time spent preparing, and the effort I put on trying to give a personalized, fresh attention to all of them; then I get, like now, pissed off. I would like to be spending my time with all the many projects I have now with different companies around.
The even worse thing is that often I meet students with such talent and potential, but with such a bad attitude, or just, as often I see: plain laziness. The worse thing I know is seeing talent being wasted.