Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Balloons download

I have compressed our short film "Balloons" so it can be downloaded. Its aprox 24mb so if you have a slow connection p lease be a bit patient. Here is the link: http://www.16to9audiovisual.com/balloons.html

I have added another sidebar to the blog. It contains links of some bloggers, friends, relatives, crazy people, etc. I hope to add some more eventually. Maybe that way I can persuade a couple of people I know to blog out their lives a bit ;-)

Friday, May 26, 2006

I should be gay, tormented artist, wear sandals, half-french, latinamerican communist with a weakness for aromatherapy...

Preparing a synopsis, inscribing the scripts for copyright, reviewing the budgets, burning showreels, pondering how can you best present the damn thing so you stand a chance... all of that and much more is the preparation of applications for funding and support for short films and other projects. It takes long and boring hours and at the end there is no guarantee that you will get a dime.
But there is people out there that get the whole shabang... and when you see the movie... well. Lets say I wonder how these application processes are carried out. I only know that is hard to think of myself giving $10000 for a synopsis that reads something like "an introspective surreal video art, a trip to the traumatic years of my childhood when I really found out I was gay, communist, buddhist and hippie". Its overkill, sure, but it just pisses me off how much of this type of thing I find all over the net when I research for the kind of projects that get financing.
I have gone through all the possibilities I can think of: is it me? is it that I have no talent? is it that I should do those type of projects? And the thing goes on and on...
Overall I think that there are people who have a type of intelligence that I lack. To accomodate yourself to a certain kind of trend that appears to be "alternative". A word that I am starting to despise; all too often I feel I am living in the dictatorship of alternativeness, and in the end there is nothing alternative in such thing. Only another trend, another kind of fashion.
Still I am sending the rotten applications cause I have to... out of hundred, I should get one. Maybe not.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Rediscovering Guayabo screening

Filmforum, organized by Bergen Museum, will be screening Rediscovering Guayabo.

Date: thursday, may 11th
Place: U.Phil-bygget
Time: 18:00