Friday, June 16, 2006

There is no dark side of the moon... as a matter of fact is all black!

Last wednesday I went all the way to Oslo to listen to Roger Waters. There is no way to start explaining how good the gig was; he played a well balanced repertoire: beginning with Floyd`s classics continuying with some of his best works as a solo, played the whole Dark side of the moon, and then finished the evening with an extra 5 songs from The Wall.
It is very difficult that another concert will ever make such an impression on me!

Once at a party I said that one of the reasons I like Pink Floyd so much was the fact that I find it to be one of the few -and last- bands to really give rock music a revolutionary, true experimental, and yet "listenable" product. Somebody disagreed and quoted a punk band who "gave all their punch in songs that were a minute and a half long using half broken guitars and knowing nothing about music". Well, if you can say that a bunch of feces in a box is modern art and that that is better than DalĂ­, you might agree then.

When the gig was finished I ended up with no voice, and unable to sleep since images from the concert were flashing through my mind all night long...