Monday, November 28, 2005


We got 3 awards at the Costa Rican Film Festival: Balloons received "Best sound" and a special mention for "Best Short Film". Rediscovering Guayabo got "Best documentary"

We were very very surprised cause we weren´t expecting anything... but well, now its time to enjoy it and keep working. We believe that there are many other things to be done, and we believe that we can always do things even better.

I want to thank my family in Costa Rica and the one here in Norway. Without their support and care, nothing of this could have been possible. All my love to Linn who has been the real reason for me to keep on going.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Two days ago we had the first snow of this winter! Isn't it pretty :-)

This weekend "Rediscovering Guayabo" is being shown at the Costa Rican Film Festival. Next tuesday it will be "Balloons" turn. We hope the audience will like both of them.

Now we have a documentary project we need to find funds for. We will be trying to make NRK enthusiastic about it. We will see...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The long winding road...

Well, we have sent both Balloons and Rediscovering Guayabo to many places. Luck seems to be a bigger factor than we had expected. Time will tell...
So far we now that both will the exhibited at the Costa Rican Film Festival.

Rediscovering Guayabo: Saturday, 19th of november, 7:00pm
Balloons: Tuesday, 22th of november, 7:00pm

But now I feel there is the need to move on... I dont know how really. We have two or three projects that we need to find funding for. That is painstaking slow job, specially when everything is in norwegian. Thats how it is and thats how we have to deal with it... it doesnt mean I have to like it though.

Ok, enough release of anger for today! Back to work