More videos... and a controversial subject
First, something pleasant (at least I think so). I have uploaded two more videos for you to check out. They are a bit old, but I wanted to make them available. It seems now so strange when I remember the amount of hours invested in rendering and composing these TV spots. Nowadays, with the computer power we have, it will take me less than half the time. Here they go:
1.) UNED, Enrollment Campaign:

2.) UNED, 25th anniversary:

Now, the second thing -and not so pleasant-. Just today I received notice of this happening in the internet. I had to see it for myself, typed the url and look what appeared in front of my eyes!

I dont think that we would be able to fully discuss matters about copyright law and intellectual property in this small blog. Still, I honestly dont have a clear position about this debate (torrents, mp3, and so on...). I am in the TV, music and multimedia business. If I make a movie that people then ilegally copy and distribute, I wouldnt be able to make a living.
But what I think about this issue might be only a little hunch. Being a bit naive, I think the internet to be, potentially, a much more democratic comunication channel. It is, therefore, rather disturbing to see this type of intervention. More and more I hear rumours about corporations trying to get some degree of control over the more-or-less "free" internet medium.
Personally, I am thinking on trying to support more and more the Open Source initiative. However, I would go a bit further and think that we would need the help of some political agenda that should look for a more open, democratic and fair internet... and, just because it might be nice: a more open, democratic, fair and society. We say in Costa Rica that "dreaming is for free"... but I think that other things should be as well: like medicine, health, education. Access to knowledge and information should be free as well.
Just a little thing to think and discuss...
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