16:9`s logo animation
Unfortunately I still dont have a place to host videos in a reasonable quality ;-)
So, for now, its only screenshots. These are from our logo animation, still without sound, but the visuals are ready.

The sequence starts with film dust and scratches, with a smooth transition using the "two points" to show video noise on the background. Everything flashes to show the logo, as it is:
We hope to use only these "two points" as an icon for our company. This, we hope, will be done when our logo and name becomes more well known.
Me too! T-shirt I must have :-) This looks great Paulo and I too like the idea about the two points as a logo.
Looks very flashy and that's just the taste for the magpie you know I am ;-)
So nice to see so many friends posting around!!!! By the way, maybe I should start a t-shirt business instead ;-) Keep the good posting... greetings
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